Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Perhaps I should combine the two and ask how will I affect others in the future. I think I will have to answer them separately to get a good estimate for the future, but i can guess and think. I hope I'm better than I am right now, I hope i can learn from how i affect people now. I want to help people a bit more socially, but it's kind of awkward for me right now. It sort of always has been. I'm not as comfortable really being out there. I think I'm to shy to be of much good support wise since I figure that sometimes that's exactly what a person needs to see or feel. Someone who will be a bit more courageous to support people in whatever way they need to in public where people are there to judge and observe.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

For anyone reading this besides my English teacher, I am going to be using this webpage as a sort of journal for my English class that we have to keep, much like the one I did in all of the previous posts, but this one is just a different English class.

(this is a big repost, so reverse chronological order)

Where will I be in 20 years?

How do I affect the people around me?

Those were the two essential questions I chose, or at least the ones that I thought I would be like to answer the most. I didn’t find many questions appealing simply because they did not interest me, none really provoked my thoughts or made me really care about the answer. A lot of the example essential questions would have answers that I think I would find out anyway eventually, or the answer to them would not have made my life any different. I kind of wanted a question that would actually be useful for me. Even the “Where will I be in 20 years?” question really wasn’t that interesting for me, just more interesting than the rest I thought of. I figure that I might change my questions in the future if I can think of a better, more useful one.

I think that my question of “where will I be in 20 years?” was more about what type of job I might get. That’s one of the more important parts to me of where I will be in 20 years. I figure that by then I will have gone through a couple jobs (I heard somewhere that the average person these days goes through 5-7 jobs before finding a steady one) and I might be near having found one that I like. At this point in time I really don’t have much of an idea of where I am gong to be going in life. Right now my back hurts a bit from sitting in a bad position; I should probably work on that so it doesn’t affect my job choices.

I guess that I should write about my other question having to do with how I affect the people around me. This one was one that I actually thought of as a sort of last minute thing. I thought that this was one of my better questions because of its usefulness to me in the long and short term since it would be a sort of way to better myself. Normally it would be harder for me to find a way to better myself in life by writing, but this has hopeful possibilities for the future when I get around to answering it in depth and taking a lot of time to think about it.

Looking back at some of the entries I have in this blog I found my long fantasy story. It’s more of a sci-fi story, but more importantly, it’s very long. I shouldn’t say extremely long because I know people have written longer stories for classes, but this one was for an assignment where the rest of the class wrote 2-3 pages of story where as I somehow decided that I would take the time to write another 8 after that. I’m connecting this to my where I will be question as a sort of side note that I can enjoy writing stories if I have and take the time to do it. I don’t think I’d want to have to write for my foodstuffs and gaming money.

This might seem like I’m being kind of lazy, but I’m using my science video from last year as a topic again because I liked it. I do feel proud because it was actually something I enjoyed doing and took time and work making. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5826053992199508834

I guess this could be something fun to do later because it was something odd and fun to do, it would be something to look into to see what types of jobs could come out of it.

I’m having a bit of a problem thinking of what to write about now so I’m just sort of rambling till something comes to mind since I find I can get started writing better if I work with a train of thought, oh, of course, video games came to mind just now and that sounds like something I can talk about easily, and maybe even find a way to relate it to my questions, oh wait, just got something, there’s the obvious connection that people enjoying video games can go off and start programming them, I don’t know if that would be the right thing for me since I don’t know how long I could just work with code and such for but I think that the actual creative part might be interesting people that are able to design such games, even movies that really make you feel emotion and go along with the story are people I find fascinating because it really must take a certain kind of person to be able to evoke primal feelings from humans towards pixels dots and pretty lights I also just realized the lack of periods in my paragraph so I had better at least end with one.

I haven’t really touched on my other question about how I affect other people. I suppose it’s because it would take more brainpower than just my normal trains of thought which seem to flow out easier so expect more fluff around the actual answer than normal since I’m trying to keep the words coming. I tend to think of myself as a calm person that doesn’t get upset easily. I do fume and get angry sometimes, but I try not to make outward acts of aggression towards other people like shouting or swearing. It does not feel like I’m suppressing emotions which everyone says is bad and I try to keep an eye out incase I might be going crazy. I guess I wouldn’t say that I’m suppressing things because in the end I work the things out cause it’s usually about something stupid or just me not getting enough sleep.

Sometimes I find myself getting annoyed, almost angered by the sight and thought of how mad people get about stupid things. Sometimes it’s just simple flaws in rules in our world such as laws or other things that most people wouldn’t take the time to change. I see these people getting all worked up and angry about something for a reason I usually can not understand about something they can not or should not change and I get worked up right along side them. I don’t really know why or who I’m getting annoyed at, and I don’t act upon it, but often times that memory will stick with me throughout the day. Maybe it’s because I try to remember what I would not like to see myself become. I think this is more of a way that others affect me.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4

Scene 1
Titania pampers Bottom more who begins to get accustomed to his new found life until they both fall asleep. Oberon, finally having gotten the indian boy, cures Titania of the flowers effect and dances with her to music that puts the other lovers to sleep. The fairy King and Queen leave and then Theseus, Hippolyta and Egeus arrive in the forrest on a hunting trip and find the 4 lovers asleep. Egeus wakes them and demands to know what they were doing out in the forest. Lysander confesses that he and Hermia were trying to run away. Egeus becomes infuriated when he learns this, but Theseus stops Egeus from doing anything when they learn that Demetrius no longer wants Hermia and now loves Helena. Theseus declares that the new couples shall be married at the same time as his marriage to Hippolyta before leaving the forest. The lovers discuss what happened the last night and day and decide that it must have been a dream of some sort. The scene ends with Bottom thinking about his adventure the day before and decides it too is a dream, but he wishes to have a song written about his experience.

Scene 2
The acting troupe grieve for the loss of Bottom and the imminent failure of the play for lack of a man to play Pyramus. The group becomes even more saddened when they learn that the wedding would have had even more importance because of the added couples to be wed. Bottom then enters and to the other actors' joy explains that the play will shown at the grand wedding.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Act 3

Scene 1
This scene begins with the troupe of actors meeting nearby the place where Titania is sleeping. The actors start discussing how the play shall go and decide to try rehearsing it. For one scene of their play, Bottom goes off stage as part of the act. When Bottom goes off into the bushes, Puck, being mischievous, turns his head into that of a donkey. When Bottom goes back on stage in his new form he scares off all of his fellow actors. Bottom thinks that the other actors are just messing with him so he starts to sing to prove that he is not afraid. Titania wakes up now and the first thing she sees is Bottom with the head of a donkey and instantly falls in love with him. She tells her fairy servants to take care of and pamper Bottom.

Scene 2
Puck tells Oberon of all that has happened. When Oberon sees Demetrius and Hermia enter, Oberon learns that Puck used the flower on the wrong person. When Demetrius goes to sleep, Oberon uses the flower on Demetrius so he will fall in love with Helena. Then Helena enters with Lysander following her and they meet up with Hermia and Demetrius. Lysander tells Hermia of his new love for Helena and Demetrius wakes to fall in love with Helena. Helena believes that Demetrius is now mocking her to and blames it on the already crestfallen Hermia. Hermia and Helena start fighting until Helena runs off. The two men decide to fight each other to prove who loves Helena more. Oberon in an attempt to stop them fighting tells Puck to imitate the two men's voices when near the other and lead them round in circles to tire them out and make them fall asleep. Puck does as hes told and Lysander and Demetrius eventually lie down to rest. Puck then uses the remedy on Lysander to cure him of his love for Hermia.

Act 2 Summary

Scene 1
Oberon, the king of the fairies, is arguing with his wife, Titania, over an Indian boy. Oberon wants to have the boy to work for him, but Titania does not want to give the boy to Oberon. Oberon devises a plan to get the boy from Titania. Oberon tells his hobgoblin servant, Puck, to go find a flower that makes people fall in love with the first thing that they see when they wake up. Oberon plans to use the flower to make Titania fall in love with some animal while he takes the boy for himself. Then after Oberon has the boy, he will cure Titania of the flower's effect. While Puck goes off to find the flower, Oberon takes witness to Helena following Demetrius into the woods. Oberon sees Helena pleading for Demetrius' love and Demetrius scorning Helena and sending her away. Oberon feels sorry for Helena and when Puck returns with the flower, Oberon tells puck to put some of the flowers nectar on an Athenian boy to make him fall in love with the girl that follows him.

Scene 2
This scene begins with Titania going to sleep in a grove and Oberon comes while shes sleeping and streaks the flower across her eyes. Meanwhile, Puck goes off and puts some of the flower on the eyes of the first Athenian man he finds. Lysander and Hermia have been traveling through the woods, but have gotten tired so they are now asleep when Puck happens upon them and mistakes them for the couple that Oberon mentioned and streaks the flower across Lysander's eyes. Lysander wakes up to see Helena and falls in love with her. Helena thinks that Lysander is pretending to love her to mock her so she stalks off with Lysander following her. Hermia wakes up after they leave to find herself abandoned and alone without Lysander.

Act 1 summary

Scene 1
This scene begins with Theseus, a duke of Athens sitting in his home talking to his wife, Hippolyta, about the preparations for their marriage when Egeus, Demetrius, Hermia and Lysander enter. Egeus explains how he promised to give his daughter Hermia to Demetrius in marriage, but Hermia has fallen in love with another man named Lysander. Egeus explains how he has decided to kill Hermia if she does not marry Demetrius. The group quarrels amongst themselves about what Hermia should do and why. In the end, Theseus gives Hermia until the next new moon to decide whether she will marry Demetrius, accept death, or never love again. After the others leave, Lysander and Hermia plot to run away so they can be together. They tell Helena, Hermia's friend, of their plot. Helena, wishing for the love of Demetrius, decides to tell Demetrius of Hermia and Lysander's plan to run away.

Scene 2
This scene begins with a troupe of actors discussing their next play. The play they will be preforming for Theseus on his wedding will be about Pyramus and Thisbe. One actor named Bottom boasts about his performances the entire time. They discus the parts of the play and decide to meet later in the woods to practice the play.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Free Post-Mitosis Movie

Mitosis Animation Video
This video is a animation of mitosis using stop animation that I made for biology class. Stop animation is where you take a picture of something, then move it slightly and take another picture to make a video. This is one of the few school projects that I had fun doing. It's also one of the projects that I am more proud of. It did take me a while, but when I was done I was happy I had been able to put some of my computer skills to use making this video.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Question Response

Since I've gotten my laptop, I've had a lot of chances to look around the net and see what it has to offer. I've been looking for things that can actually help me be more productive or just learn a bit more random and maybe even useful info. Google Tech Talks is a collaboration of videos I've come across in my searches. As with most of my posts this one is tech-oriented. The tech talks are various conferences hosted by google dealing with a VERY wide variety of subjects. I found many of these videos interesting and I did learn some things from them too. I'm not sure if this has enough to do with me to count as a question response, but it's more of that I find this type of thing fascinating. This post is not so much about the tech talks themselves, but more of how I got those tech talks.
A video we were shown about the internet at the start of our blog projects dealt with how humans are affecting the internet. Throughout the video, I was also thinking about the video itself. Think about what it took for that video to travel to our classroom. All the transfers it had to make between various people and things. The Internet is the essential part of that transfer between the video's author to us. Take a look at the google tech talks I mentioned, it started out as an idea, off in who-knows-where and that's where it would have stayed. Instead, someone took that idea and made it a reality, a lesson to teach others. At that point, it could have stayed a lesson, circulating in the general area, but leaving anyone outside of a certain range completely oblivious. The internet changed that and with a bit of help from Google, that lesson became a video for the internet, and that video circulated around a much larger area, namely, anyone with an internet connection. This is pretty much what the internet is about, data transfer. The internet is how an idea reached out across nations to teach anyone willing to learn.
What I've been thinking about is how all those transfers occur. From the thought in a brain, to the video in a conference, to the web page on a computer. Often, it's easy to forget about the people that make those things possible. Everything has to be working together, everything has to be made compatible and people have to make that compatibility. Someone has to figure out how to turn light and noise into a video, servers and cables into the internet, and send that video over the internet. I think it would be awesome to connect those kinds of things together. To connect every part of your life together. It must take a lot of effort to invent these sort of things, but I've always thought how nice it would be to make something yourself that you could use everyday like the internet does.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ghost Story

One night a man was driving back home to Waikiki when he noticed an old lady dressed in white standing on the side of the road. He thought she was a little odd looking so he drove on past. A few minutes later he saw an old lady dressed in white. The man wasn't quite sure it was the same person, but he drove on by. Less than a minute later he saw the same old lady again. By now the man was thoroughly frightened so he decided stop and see if she needed a ride. The little old lady got into his car and he drove on for a while. He glanced to his side during the drive to see what she looked like close up and noticed even her skin was a very white color almost transparent. "Where do you need to go?" he asked
"Just stop at the next corner." came the reply in almost a whisper. He stopped the car and the lady seemed to glide out. Driving away he looked back one more time and the little old lady dressed in white had disappeared.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Japan free post

I recently got back from a trip to Japan with my friends. It was a really interesting place, with a lot of differences in the way lives of people in Japan run. We took trains pretty much everywhere using pre-paid cards that could even buy drinks out of soda machines. It was really interesting to see the way that people reacted with or didn't react with others. Some of the highlights of the trip must have been Disney Sea and the cool arcades we went to. Disney Sea was like Disney Land, but with better rides and amazing curry. We had curry at the Agrahbah section of Disney Sea for lunch and dinner 2 days in a row. The arcades there had an amazing amount of games to play. In one arcade there was a sort of creepy guy that kept playing House of the Dead 4. He got really serious looking and held the toy gun like he was in an action movie. Oh yeah, and he had a battle cry too after he beat each boss, there was even a small crowd around him. I'll put on pictures of the trip soon too.

Question Response

How to Make a Better Body

This is a wired news story I found looking at the human body and ways scientists and surgeons have discovered to improve a human. This is very interesting to see that there are so many different things we have found out how to improve the body. This is one job line I might consider. I think improvement of the human body to be a very worthwhile area of study. I've seen examples of this brought up in a book I'm reading right now. It's a futuristic sci-fi book so many of the humans in that universe are upgraded and bio-engineered for space and even combat. If we can upgrade ourselves to be faster, stronger, see farther etc, why not? I would like to look into this subject myself.

Monday, March 5, 2007

fantasy story

I still do all of the things that normal people do. I watch movies, go to work, eat, drive etc. I just do them under constant surveillance. I don't actually have to work though; all of my expenses are paid for by the government. I just want to get back to a normal life. The government still doesn't quite trust me though, they never will.

When I was younger, at around 8 or 9 years old, I was still living in my old house. It was a plain white house in Niu Valley. Two trees stood guard on each side of our drive way. It was a nice, average sized one story house. My baby-sitter was with me and my sister for the day as usual. I was going about my daily business of watching TV in the house whilst my sister continued to pester me for control of the TV. My sister was a whining, annoying menace of 5 years old. Luckily, my brother was off fishing at the beach so that left the battle for the TV between me and Maya.

Our baby sitter who was also our maid was outside folding clothes. She came back in and started calling to me and my sister, “Maya, Kai, come look at what I found!” We both jumped off the sofa to go see what had happened and my baby sitter, Sarema, showed us a bird’s egg “I found it on the ground outside” she said. “Here, you can hold it, just be careful with it.” Sarema placed the egg into my eagerly awaiting hands. A tiny little thing, the egg was about the size of a large jelly bean. It was coated in a layer of dirt, so I carefully rubbed off the soil and found a shining crystalline green gem, or at least it looked like one. The object still had its egg like shape, but now seemed to shine from the inside with an unearthly green glow. Coming closer, my sister noticed the new shining color. “Oooo, lemme see it!” she commanded.

“No,” I told her “you’ll probably break it.”

“No, I won’t!”

“I bet you will.”

“I’m telling Sarema that you’re being mean!” she pouted, stalking off to go find Sarema.

It didn’t really matter, I knew I’d have to let Maya see the egg eventually, at least this way Sarema could watch and make sure she didn’t break the egg. I was almost too lost in thought to notice the tiny hop the egg made in my hand. “Maybe it’s one of those Mexican jumping beans…” I thought, as I began prodding it in an attempt to elicit another jump from the peculiar egg.

The creature within the egg had other thoughts than jumping. It was now quite annoyed at being woken from its peaceful slumber. It considered another few decades of sleep, but the bumps and prods became all too annoying to stand.

After having to relinquish the egg to my sister, she quickly became bored with it and flopped out on the sofa to watch TV again. I had almost lost all faith in the egg performing any more aerial maneuvers, till I felt the egg shudder ever so slightly. The egg shuddered once more, and then began jumping and lurching at a constant rate. I hurriedly decided that Maya would try to hoard the egg if she saw it moving around like it was. I scampered to my room and eased the door shut. I brought the egg right up to my face to inspect it more carefully. Not only had the egg started jumping around even more fervently, but the eerie green glow had doubled in intensity. "This is so cool..." I mused to myself, "I wond...eh?..Ah! Ew, it's cold!" The shining gem had popped in my hand into a cold, gooey green mess splattering over my hands, chest and face. The tiny little egg had released an impossibly large amount of slime. The shimmering liquid shone even brighter once freed from its egg-shaped prison. I was too stunned at first to do anything, until I realized how disgusting my situation was. Dripping the oh-so-icky goo, I ran to the bathroom to wash it off. I felt the chill of the slime on my body. I felt it oozing down my face and into my eyes. I felt it...burning?

"Oh my god, it feels like acid!" I thought in terror. "What have I gotten myself into?" I stumbled blindly into the bathroom and jumped into the shower, neglecting to remove my clothes. I washed, scrubbed and rubbed the goo off as best I could, but the burning sensation continued. The feeling of the goo seemed to soak into my flesh where the slime had made contact, seeping in deeper and deeper. It was no where near as painful as a fire, but it ached terribly none the less. My brain seemed to catch ablaze as the burn went deeper, and then, it stopped. I stood still, awaiting the pain's return, but it never came. Carefully stepping out of the shower I looked my self over in the mirror, expecting the worst. A normal face greeted my gaze, no burns, no goo, the ordeal had completely vanished from sight.

I told no one of the slime or burning feeling that day. It was just too...strange. And what evidence did I have to support it anyway? The egg had disappeared and I had no markings or slime left to show for my encounter. Neither Maya nor Sarema asked about the egg. It was forgotten to them. It never left my mind, for all that I tried, the image of the egg stayed in my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it or what the slime could have been. The thoughts stayed with me through dinner and all the way till I was in my bed. "I'll try to find the egg tomorrow," I decided as I slipped under the covers.

I woke up much quicker than usual and hurriedly wolfed down my breakfast, choking a few times as I did. I snatched up a mirror on the way to my room, flopped onto my bed and brought the mirror up to my face, looking for any tell tale signs of the goo. The sun had risen by then and I could see the heat waves outside my window. Eventually I started getting bored of searching. My face looked normal as ever. "What in the world happened to that goo?" Did I wash it all off?" My thoughts started wandering back to the slime, trying to remember if I had actually seen any of it go down the drain. And then, it started, slowly at first, but a faint green glimmer began to show through from underneath my skin. It was very hard to see at first, but just noticeable.

*** *** ***

"Sir, we need confirmation before we can move in."

"That isn't confirmation enough? The whole damn valley is lit up with that energy!"

This battle had been going on for hours after the strange readings started showing up on the radar. General Graff knew they had to move into the valley as soon as possible. The damned politicos were too busy talking about the "negative public reaction" If they didn't solve this problem soon who knew what hell could happen. A small energy reading had appeared at a residential home in Niu Valley in the last 12 hours and had been steadily growing since then. Graff's frustration had also been growing with the signal. The only reason they hadn't already sent troops in was that the scientists had classified it as a non-harmful, but completely different type of radiation, never seen before.

No one had ever expected a radioactive anomaly suddenly appearing within Hawaii, so the scanning room currently on Hawaii was poorly equipped for such an operation. This left General Graff and his crew stuck in a cramped portable station outside the main base. "I need some fresh air" he grunted and slammed the flimsy door shut behind him. He lit up a cigarette and puffed away, still breathing raggedly from arguing.

"Those things'll kill ya, sir"

"Cram it lieutenant, what do have to report?" Lieutenant Hanford marched up to the General carrying a thick beige folder.

"Sir, it looks like the higher-ups finally took a bit of interest in the situation here." "We got the permission to send in troops?"

"Nah, they're still squablin' over that, but we did manage to obtain some high quality equipment. It's a new type of bot. Right off the assembly line, the AI is amazing, and combat equipped too."

"Eh, damn politicians sendin' in more trash to fix their problems, there's nothin' like a well trained soldier!"

"Don't worry sir, these new robots are top of the line, you won't be disappointed."

*** *** ***

*Brriiing* *Briiing*

"Yeah, Johnson here...oh, sir...I'm ready for duty at all times sir...I'll be at the base ASAP."


*** *** ***

I nearly hit myself with the mirror when I tried to look more closely at my face. "The slime was still there!" I realized, seeing the familiar green glow. Being able to see my face glow green was relieving and troubling at same time. If the slime had gotten into my skin, how deep had it gone into my body? At least now I knew I wasn't crazy. Yet, I still found something else strange in the mirror's reflection. The heat waves outside the window were gone, instead, it seemed that there were heat waves inside of my room. Yet, even stranger , there seemed to be only heat waves on a certain spot of my wall. A patch of wavering air, distorting the wall's image. "What in the world..." I spun around to look at the wall with my own eyes, and sure enough, a section of the wall was shimmering slightly, distorted like a ripple in a pond. The patch only stayed there for a second, before dropping to the floor with a metallic clang. The patch of air seemed to flicker and distort violently on the ground once more before resolving into a gleaming chrome ball. 8 sharp, shining, sickle like legs sprung out of the ball and lifted the metal sphere a few inches off the ground. I instantly recognized the spider like shape of the machine, even more so when glowing red lights lit up at the front of the robot. The lights looked like vicious red eyes, completing the metal beast's evil look. We looked at each other for a moment. Then it bobbed down, and launched itself at me, those 8 dagger like legs swung towards me aimed at my chest. There was no time to react, no time to get out of the way, all I could do was close my eyes and shudder in fear. My chest suddenly seized up, a wave of cold rippled across the front of my body. The robot slammed into me, its legs crumpled upon hitting my chest, and knocked me back onto my bed. The spider ricocheted off to side, and I, still alive, stared up at the ceiling, blinking in astonishment. I delicately touched my chest with my hand. My shirt had been ripped open and shredded, leaving bare skin exposed. But the skin was solid, unmoving and hard as a rock, no even harder. It felt like I was touching a block of steel, but my body didn't feel any heavier. A warm feeling rippled back across my chest and the skin returned to its normal state. *gasp* "The robot!" I jumped out of bed to look where it had gone. The spider was on the ground thrashing about with its broken limbs, tearing up the carpet and leaving deep gouges on the side of my bed. Red eyes swiveled around the metal robot to focus on me. A terrible screeching noise filled the room, my head felt like it was going to explode! I don't know how I did it, but I managed to stumble away and into the kitchen. "What's going on?" I wailed. I checked all of the other rooms and found no one. I ran back out to the living room and rushed for the front door. I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to go away from here and that spider. My hand caught hold of the door knob, clenched tightly, turned the knob and the door shattered as it was blown inwards from the force of three more metal spheres flying into the house. Somehow, all 3 missed me, but wooden splinters also exploded into the room. There was a familiar chill across my body and the chips of wood bounced off me harmlessly. The 3 spiders unfolded their legs as I started sprinting away. Stupidly, in my confusion I ran back inside of the house. I fled through the living room and again found myself in the kitchen. Panicking, I jumped into the small pantry closet. Spices and a musty old smell filled the cramped space as I shut the door. I crouched down next to a pile of instant noodle cartons and tried to slow my breathing. I heard the spiders scuttle past me and I started to relax a little, the rain-like clattering of their feet fading away. "They didn't notice me, I just had to find a way out of the house" I thought. I felt 2 metallic pincers stab into my back, while 6 more latched onto my waist. I fell forward from the pain landing on the cold hard tile floor. More spiders ripped their way through the door. My vision blurred and I shut my eyes, wishing for the pain to leave. One voice came through the dark "Let me help."

*** *** ***

Sergeant Johnson waited anxiously, peering into the house from the kitchen window. He'd seen it all, the robots first entering the house, their vicious attack on the boy, and kid's strange power. It had sickened him at first, what kind of government sends assault bots after a child? But he had his orders, he stayed out of sight, observing the robots do their work. Just as the general had told him to do. "*sigh*, why do I always get such odd jobs?" The audio transmitter on his ear crackled and the general's voice broke through the static "Keep at it soldier, stay with those bots, but out of sight. I don't trust those things, you're my one human contact in there, so don't get yer self killed."

"Yes, sir" Even Johnson was now a bit unnerved by the robots' cold efficiency. After the first attack on the boy, Johnson became worried about the child's capabilities too. The kid just shrugged off the assault bots’ attacks. What was he made of?

After a brief chase through the house, the spiders had brought down the boy. 5 robots scurried into the pantry where the child, Kai, had hidden. Supposedly, the spiders would neutralize the child by injecting a chemical into him that would put him into a sort of temporary coma. But as of yet, it seemed that the spiders had been going in for killing blows. The General had told Johnson that all of the bots were controlled by artificial intelligence, no remote signals, no humans behind the wheel. The tech team had reported slight dropouts in some of the computers, but they claimed the problems to be insignificant. Johnson slouched and slid down the wall he had been leaning against. He'd seen much more horrifying and vicious things before, but this...this was different. Spider bots, unnatural children, it was more creepy than anything. At least it was over.

His earpiece crackled again, "Johnson, we lost the bots, repeat, we lost the bots." The sergeant touched his finger to the earpiece.

"You mean that kid killed them?"

"No, well, were not sure. The tech people have lost all signals to and from the robots. What the hell is going on in there?" Johnson slowly rose up from his sitting position to peer over the window and into the house. The lower half of the pantry door was shredded and the pieces lay scattered about. Through that opening came a green glow.

"Johnson, I want you in there now. Neutralize that thing."


The screen door opened up into the living room adjacent to the kitchen. There hadn't been anymore movement or noises from the kitchen, but Sergeant Johnson proceeded carefully none the less. He edged his way slowly past sofas and discarded toys. The linoleum of the kitchen could be seen at the end of the hallway. Perhaps it was just his nerves acting up, but it seemed as though some of the green glow was seeping out into the hallway. Had the boy moved? Did the bots take him out? No point in wondering, might as well try to catch him while he’s down. Johnson started sprinting down the hallway. He had almost cleared the entire distance until a slim figure turned the corner. The child was radiating the eerie green glow along his entire body. No longer could you see the whites of his eyes anymore for they seemed to be made of a green goo, glowing the same color as the rest of his body. Johnson halted his running and brought the gun up to point at the kids head, but his conscious stopped him from firing. "Look kid, just get down on the ground right now."

"Johnson!" his transmitter blared in his ear, "Fire NOW soldier! You have t.." The earpiece went dead.

"Now, now, doesn't that man sound annoying?" the child's lips were moving in sync with the voice, but the sound seemed to resonate and come from everywhere at once. "Hm, since you're already here, why don't we play a game? How about the one where you die?" A grin flickered across his face "Doesn't that sound fun?" Johnson fired, the gun recoiled in his hands, but he kept it steady. The bullets peppered the boy's body, but he remained standing, grinning all the while. The same mechanical bots scurried around the corner next to Kai, but instead of attacking Kai, kept going toward Johnson, he reacted quickly and bolted around the corner behind him. He reloaded his gun and turned the corner to fire off bursts at the bots. They went down slowly, but there were too many to destroy. Johnson backed out of the house, firing to keep the robots at bay. Nothing left to do, he ran across the yard and over the fence into the neighbor's yard. He ducked down behind the fence hoping in all earnest that the robots hadn't seen where he had gone. His ammo clip dropped onto the ground and he slammed another into his gun. Looking back up, he noticed a familiar shimmer in the air a few feet away. He fired. The spider's camouflage dropped and it struggled to get back up, but it fell back on the ground as its legs were blasted away. Squirming and lashing on the ground, it left deep gashes in the dirt with its remaining legs. "Nice shot." Johnson looked up to stare into the face of Kai. "Watch out, here comes more! Have fun!" The child taunted at him. More shimmers were indeed flying toward him across the ground. One hope, Johnson dashed toward the pool, dropping behind him his belt of grenades, but not before arming one. He dove into the pool. Cold water flooded his lungs, but swam deeper until his hands hit the smooth tiled bottom of the pool. He didn't have to wait long until he felt the blast shake the water around him. He waited as long as he could until the limited supply of air he had ran out and he had to resurface. He broke the surface and was met by the pungent smell of smoke all around him. Surely the boy...

Kai casually walked to the edge of the pool. "Aww, I think you blew up all my new toys," he pouted. "Oh well, I was getting tired of them anyway and now I'm getting tired of you!" The boy raised his hand up and the skin on his arm seemed to flow up to his hand. His entire arm surged and flowed to form a gleaming green blade where his arm used to be. Johnson lunged forward and caught hold of the boy's leg. Johnson heaved backwards, sending the boy tumbling into the water. Thinking fast, Johnson pulled himself out of the pool as fast he could. He had caught sight of the wounded spider bot that had been blown away by the grenades and he now sprinted toward it. "Now that wasn't very nice!" the boy shouted after him. Concentrating only on the squirming sphere in front of him, Johnson dove toward it. He scooped it up in one hand and started running back to the pool. The spider had now noticed exactly who was carrying it and had started desperately trying to claw its possessor’s arm off with its one remaining limb. Johnson felt the sharp stinging pain and heaved the spider into the pool. Still in midair, Johnson took aim at the spider with his gun and tracked it falling into the water. He fired. One round, two rounds, both dented the spider, but did no more. One more shot and the spider's casing cracked. A white flash shot out and flooded the pool as the robot's internal systems shorted out and the electricity surged through the pool. Kai gave one last look of utter hatred at Johnson before the electrical shock took hold and his body jerked around violently before falling limp in the pool.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Question Response

I guess that through all of this searching, it all ends up boiling down to my inability to make decisions. It's not that I don't have preferences, it's just that sometimes it's not worth the brainpower to figure out what I want. If I must make a choice then it often ends up with me just deciding on a whim. I can only decide on things that I know my opinion to easily. But these years of not deciding upon things have built up. Many times I simply let other people choose based upon what they preferred, since the options didn't matter to me. Such as what food to eat or what to do on the weekend. I'm so used to this way of life that I don't really care about what happens. If i can get over this inability, then I can really take a stand on what I like, what I want to do, and how I'm going to get there. Maybe it's just me, my work ethic to be precise. Perhaps I haven't tried devoting enough energy to deciding my job and what I want to do later on in life. I might as well start now, so I can be prepared for the future.

Question Response

Game of Life
I've found a very interesting program on the internet. It seems like a game, but it's really meant as more of a simulation. Most people wouldn't find it particularly enjoying to use. It's a cellular automaton made by mathematician John Conway. It's a simulation of life and population growth.
When I found it I thought it was one of the most interesting things I've seen. It's so very simple, yet to me at least, it was quite mesmerizing. Just coming up with the concept of something like this seems amazing. I can't see how people are able to just imagine these things. This is the sort of thing I would like to come up with. It would be great if I could create these simple strange contraptions. This is the sort of thing that I could get into.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A little story

When I was younger, at around 6 or 8 years old, I was still living in my old house. My baby-sitter was with me and my sister for the day as usual. I was in the house playing with my toys and my baby sitter went outside. When she came back in she started calling to me and my sister to come and look at what she had found. We went to go see what had happened and my baby sitter, Serima, showed us a bird’s egg that she had found on the ground. Me and my sister started looking at it carefully because we had never held such a thing before. I picked up the egg, mesmerized by it, carefully holding it in my hand. And then it popped. Without any provocation it popped in my hand into a gooey green mess splattering over my hands and clothes. It was such a completely random event, that for a few seconds I just stared at the goo. It smelled horrible of course, but luckily I was able to get it all off.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Blog Intro

Blogging is here to connect the world. It's here to connect the people in the world. The internet gives us the power to send data, bytes, 1's and 0's anywhere and everywhere in the world. The data we send can be simple text, pictures, video, or sound. This power is amazingly useful. You can learn about events on the other side of the world. Now, with blogging, we are connecting people on a more individual and personal level. Blogging is the tool we use to learn about people from what they tell us. Not just a generalization heard of in the news. Looking at a blog is seeing the views of individual people. Blogging is a social network for us humans to make and use to our advantage. Outside views allow you to look at yourself from a different point of view. Socializing with the people around can do the same, but where else but a blog can you find points of views from across the world. Instant messaging is limited to the time you are at a computer. Email's can only be viewed by the two people involved in the discussion. Blogs are online all of the time and open to scrutiny from everyone. Learn from this blog or ignore it completely, it's up to you how you want to interpret the posts here.

Question Response
I tend to be indecisive in much of my life. Things I want don't always pop out to me. I know I enjoy playing video games, I like computers, I like fixing electronics. I just can't figure out how much I like these things. I have to many interests. I've shot arrows at targets, swam for hours, played tennis on a court and on a table. Oddities are my forte, random info holds an entrancing allure, efficiency my goal and constant struggle. I want it all, but how do I meld all these things into a single lifetime. There's to much to do and to much I haven't had a chance to try. I just have to do my best at the things that I can do and find more things new, odd, different, unique and appealing to me. Eventually I'll find something, till then, we'll just call this a testing period.