Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Japan free post

I recently got back from a trip to Japan with my friends. It was a really interesting place, with a lot of differences in the way lives of people in Japan run. We took trains pretty much everywhere using pre-paid cards that could even buy drinks out of soda machines. It was really interesting to see the way that people reacted with or didn't react with others. Some of the highlights of the trip must have been Disney Sea and the cool arcades we went to. Disney Sea was like Disney Land, but with better rides and amazing curry. We had curry at the Agrahbah section of Disney Sea for lunch and dinner 2 days in a row. The arcades there had an amazing amount of games to play. In one arcade there was a sort of creepy guy that kept playing House of the Dead 4. He got really serious looking and held the toy gun like he was in an action movie. Oh yeah, and he had a battle cry too after he beat each boss, there was even a small crowd around him. I'll put on pictures of the trip soon too.