Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4

Scene 1
Titania pampers Bottom more who begins to get accustomed to his new found life until they both fall asleep. Oberon, finally having gotten the indian boy, cures Titania of the flowers effect and dances with her to music that puts the other lovers to sleep. The fairy King and Queen leave and then Theseus, Hippolyta and Egeus arrive in the forrest on a hunting trip and find the 4 lovers asleep. Egeus wakes them and demands to know what they were doing out in the forest. Lysander confesses that he and Hermia were trying to run away. Egeus becomes infuriated when he learns this, but Theseus stops Egeus from doing anything when they learn that Demetrius no longer wants Hermia and now loves Helena. Theseus declares that the new couples shall be married at the same time as his marriage to Hippolyta before leaving the forest. The lovers discuss what happened the last night and day and decide that it must have been a dream of some sort. The scene ends with Bottom thinking about his adventure the day before and decides it too is a dream, but he wishes to have a song written about his experience.

Scene 2
The acting troupe grieve for the loss of Bottom and the imminent failure of the play for lack of a man to play Pyramus. The group becomes even more saddened when they learn that the wedding would have had even more importance because of the added couples to be wed. Bottom then enters and to the other actors' joy explains that the play will shown at the grand wedding.

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